How to Properly Maintain Your Diamond Saw Blades for Longer Lifespan

Best Diamond Blades For Cutting Bricks | Blades Direct

Diamond saw blades are an asset to any person who is involved in masonry and construction work, flooring contractors and do-it-yourself enthusiasts who require cutting through concrete, stone, bricks and more. As with any tool, there are proper practices that need to be followed to get the best performance out of your diamond saw blades for the longest lasting time with regards to the consumables. For anyone interested in learning how to maintain their diamond saw blade, here is a guide to basic maintenance that will help you get the most out of those blades.

Why You Should Care for Your Diamond Blade

Instead, the diamonds are fixed to the external perimeter of the blade and the cutting power comes from them. But over time and use, a few things can start diminishing blade performance:

There is buildup of material such as dust, debris and slurry in the exterior faces of the blade segments negatively affecting cutting performance.

Loose or Lost Diamonds – Due to exposure to very high temperatures or shocks arising from cutting, the diamonds may fall off the blade if not well secured.

Acceleration – Due to the heat generated when cutting impacts can cause the blade body to warp slightly or bend.

It is possible to maintain away, do a periodic check on fordiamond loss and regulating blade warpage by doing a simple basic maintenance. This strategy enables each diamond saw blade to achieve its full potential prior to its time to be replaced.

The Formal Clean-Up Process Is Followed After Every Use

Diamond saw blades are a major investment that will require major consideration when it comes to maintenance; the most important maintenance being that you have to clean your saw blades after every use to increase their efficiency and durability. Here are the basic steps:

Supplies Needed:

- A piss soapy water bottle

Small brush (an old toothbrush is best to use)

- Clean, lint-free rag

Solvent tank or pan – which should be filled with acetone if possible.


1. After finishing cut, flush blade under running water to clear excess build up of slurry on it.

2. Add soap solution and vigorously scrub the blade cleaning each of the diamond segment on it.

3. Rinse again. Wipe into solvent tank and very gently scratch the blade to eliminate any residues of particles.

4. Dry blade with rag – do not let the blade sit wet.

It is important to clean diamond saw blades often in order to remove concrete slurry, metal particles among other materials before they bond to the blade. When debris is allowed to build up on the cutting edge, cutting efficiency will be further reduced.

Diamond Blades: Your Guide to Cutting with Precision and Safety - Devour™  Blades and Bits

Issuing of Nonconformity Reports/Checking Blades and Diamond Loss

There are other things you need to do after each use of diamond saw blades which are cleaning the blades, but apart from cleaning you should check for diamond loss or damage at some regular intervals. Here’s how:

1. The first way is to check blade with the naked eyes for the cracks, missing areas, and presence of rather large chips around the margins. If present, It means that it is time to replace the blade of the tool.

2. Display blade to light source but not parallel to the light source. Pay attention to the figure in each segment to see if there are any signs of missing diamonds.

3. Swing the concrete saw against a concrete block or waste piece of brick repeatedly, with a few of these passes so that you can physically feel for slowed down cutting region, this means that the diamonds are worn out.

Removing sections as diamonds get impacted is another way of always having maximum sharpness in blades. I discovered that running diamond-depleted sections excessively rapidly flattens that area out.

Check for Warpage

A diamond saw blade that cuts irregularly or vibrates uncomfortably may be slightly warped. Check for blade warpage as follows:

1. Place it face down on a flat and smooth surface for example a granite counter top or even a glass table.

2. Another method is to try to move a thin shim or a feeler gauge under some points of contact between the wheels and the rails. A lot shouldn’t pass under easily.

3. Hold spin blade above a surface and spin it and observe any wobble. If unsure of what is normal refer to the drawing of a known good blade.

High warpage is an indication that its blades should be replaced. However, it is a fact that many diamond saw blades will cut straight with minor warpage for a while if taken care of properly.

Proper Storage Between Uses

How you store diamond saw blades between jobs also impacts their longevity:

Should be hanged vertically or kept flat in the drawer or cabinet ; do not place them leaning against a corner.

- Stay indoor and dry - do not allow moisture to get on the core as it reults in rusting of the core.

It may be bladed in a configuration of two blades, two blades, or four blades; the recessed diamonds must be protected if the separate blades are stacked without any form of protection.

Correct storage preserves diamond saw blades into shape for use on the next exercise.

Best Diamond Blades For Cutting Bricks | Blades Direct

Nurturing Your Diamond Investment – How to Get More Out of Your Investment on Diamond Saw Blades

This is more so given the fact that diamond saw blades particularly those meant for masonry and concrete are not a cheap investment for contractors, masons, remodels and serious DIY enthusiasts. The above basic maintenance practices if practiced after each use can help most, if not all diamond saw blades, whether professional or low cost to last longer with their cuts sharper. Proactive maintenance of blade can reduce time loss due to low performing or damaged blades at the course of a project.

And never forget – never, ever use diamond saw blade for cutting wood, metal or plastics! This can be achieved simply by placing the blade against the stone at the required angle and drawing it towards you; if done in the opposite way – pushing the blade over the stone, it will happen right there and then, and the edge, as we said, will just blunt. For any non masonry cutting jobs, it is recommended that you use the proper blade type.